Tag Archives: things that made me go drink

First Birthday Continued

I’ve still got my party hat on and I’ve been reminiscing about all the little steps up to this point. Between patting myself on the back and stopping to allow a single-tear to roll down my cheek, I ran across something that I thought a few of you might get a kick out of… the very first reviews Stars Rain Down ever received.

Some background: before heading down the road to self-publishing, I entered Stars Rain Down (then called Legacy Undying, which still sounds like a weepy vampire romance novel if you ask me… which you didn’t, but I thoughtfully answered anyway… no need to thank me… wow, this aside has gotten mighty long) into the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award competition. I passed the one-page pitch round, and then moved on to the second phase of the competition, in which two randomly selected Amazon Vine Reviewers take a look at a 3,000 word excerpt of the novel. Find out what they had to say after the jump.

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Filed under Reviews, Self-Publishing, Stars Rain Down