Tag Archives: OH THE PAIN

Long Fall — Chapter 11

Today, we’re jumping into Chapter 11: Turn It Up. This one is kind of short, which comes as a bit of a relief after the monster that was #10. What can I say? Editing takes a lot out of a guy.

If you’re not caught up, you can find all of the preceding chapters of Biotech Legacy: Long Fall right here at the Oktopod Blog.

The previous book in the series, Biotech Legacy: Stars Rain Down, is currently available exclusively through Amazon.

All set? Here we go!

Chapter 11
Turn It Up

Jack Hernandez felt a bit like a fairy-tale princess. He’d found himself lost in a dark and foreboding forest beneath skies filled with fighting dragons, until his knight in (rather dull) armor arrived, quite literally swept him up in her powerful arms and whisked him away.

He’d done his level best to refuse, but Sal claimed they could cover ground faster if she carried him. He grumbled and finally acquiesced, but of course, she didn’t have to carry him around like a new bride. He was quite confident he could’ve ridden piggieback and been just fine. Just fine.

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